Environmental, Social and Governance at the Brighton Centre

Working hard to improve our carbon footprint.

Brighton Centre and ESG

The Brighton Centre is committed to being a sustainable venue and improving the impact that we, and the events that we host, have on our local environment and the planet. We are working hard behind the scenes to look into ways to improve our carbon footprint.

There are many initiatives we have in place including:

  • Zero to Landfill waste
  • LED lighting throughout the venue
  • Water-saving systems in place in the toilets
  • Our energy is purchased from a range of renewable technologies across the UK only 
  • We use modern technology to reduce gas usage on our hot water and heating
  • Water fountains throughout the venue
  • Carpet floor tiles
  • Recycling bins throughout the venue

We encourage our clients to use local suppliers where possible, as this goes alongside our desire to host events as sustainable as possible to help protect our environment and the world around us.

Please contact us for details about local suppliers. 

Alongside our efforts, our contracted caterers, Seasoned, are always looking further into our food offerings onsite to ensure we are making available more vegan and local options, for example working with The Milk Shed, Direct Seafood and Brighton Gin - all local suppliers in our city.

They have the following initiatives in place:

  • No plastic straws onsite and no drinks sold in single use plastic bottles
  • We use wooden cutlery, palm leaf and cardboard food containers
  • Beef is off our menus and we operate 'meat free Mondays'
  • Our cooking oil is collected and recycled 
  • We recycle our food waste, which then produces a high-quality compost material and a bio gas which is used as a heat source
  • We are working towards becoming BCORP.
  • Our water supplier is Life Water UK. Through the sales of water at the venue, they have built two water wells in third world country villages. See details here: https://www.life-water.co.uk/
  • We work with local homeless charities including Fareshare, which we donate excess produce to avoid waste.
  • Our coffee supplier is The Milk Shed and we receive all our coffee from them in reusable buckets.

Our 'Social Goodness Manifesto' has been designed to deliver more accessible, sustainable and ethical café, hospitality and events solutions. In order to streamline our existing 'social goodness' approach and to co-ordinate it more cohesively we have already committed to become a B Corp business. We have already embarked on our B Corp journey by engaging with experienced sustainability and accredited B Corp consultants, Twelve.

B Corp Certification is a designation that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials. In order to achieve certification, a company must: 

  • Demonstrate high social and environmental performance by achieving a B Impact Assessment score of 80 or above and passing our risk review. Multinational corporations must also meet baseline requirement standards.
  • Make a legal commitment by changing their corporate governance structure to be accountable to all stakeholders, not just shareholders, and achieve benefit corporation status if available in their jurisdiction.
  • Exhibit transparency by allowing information about their performance measured against B Lab’s standards to be publicly available on their B Corp profile on B Lab’s website.  

We know that time is short and that we need to act fast but we also need to ensure any decisions or changes we make are the right ones, not only for us but also for our customers, clients and the environment. We will get there and welcome your co-operation.

City Impact and Legacy

As part of Brighton & Hove City Council and their commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030, we have a commitment to sustainability and to being a sustainable venue. So to help us on our way and guide us also, we have decided to commit to and are working towards 5 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

 The five we have chosen to work towards are:

2 - Zero Hunger
3 - Good Health and Wellbeing
11 – Sustainable Cites and Communities
12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
14 – Life Below Water

Brief summaries of all five, some initiatives and impacts are below:

No 2 - Zero Hunger

We signpost our clients to Brighton & Hove Community Kitchen who offer cookery classes with top chefs, who give their time for free and all money made goes towards food which goes back to the vulnerable members of our community. A conference we hosted recently, donated £500 to the charity which went towards Stanmer Wellbeing Gardens – a community space where people can find sanctuary and nurture well being through food growing, gardening, education and nature connected activities. Please see details below to read more: 



No 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing

Our venue caterers are keen to keep to give our visitors healthy options to enable healthy choices to be made by all and to source locally produced food, to keep our local businesses in business and keep our carbon footprint to a minimum. We have introduced meat free Mondays and no longer offer beef in the venue.

As a venue we understand that conference & exhibitions can be highly sensory experiences. For anyone with sensory needs or just going through things it can be very overwhelming at times. That is why at The Brighton Centre we offer a dedicated quiet space with low lighting and soft furnishings for delegates or visitors that need to take some time out. Although this is not a compulsory space for conference organisers to use, we offer it as standard towards our commitment to well-being.

No 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

As a council run venue, local government policy is at the heart of everything we do and ultimately as a commercially run venue we have a commitment to ensuring that all our conferences and exhibitions create a sustainable benefit to our city and community, therefore we continually look to signpost clients to various local business and suppliers, giving them the opportunity to give back.

No 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

As a venue we are continually looking at ways we  can reduce over production and consumption. One of the ways we are doing this for example is by investing in digital signage for events and encouraging conference organisers to use this to reduce paper waste from events. One of our recent conferences went completely paperless utilising our digital screens to feature all the conference information which delegates needed to know each day.

No 14 - Life Below Water

Located right on Brighton seafront this was the most obvious choice for us. Our venue staff volunteer for beach cleans twice yearly sifting out any plastic and other rubbish which otherwise may disappear into the sea. We signpost delegates to this activity which for one particular client is a regular undertaking when they are in the city; and what with the massive plight across the globe to try and keep our beautiful oceans clear of human rubbish, many more are showing interest in this venture.


We are delighted to report the Local Government Association (LGA) have published our case study on the Brighton Centre team’s sustainable conference collaboration with conference organisers.

The case study can be found here 

Watch the video about our nomination for the Brighton Centre’s collaboration with PraxisAuril, which was shortlisted for Sustainable Conference of the Year in the ABPCO Excellence Awards in December 2022